Many trolley boxes will use genuine leather fabric, usually the trolley boxes we use are usually made of natural leather, goatskin, cowhide, pigskin, buffalo leather and sheepskin. However, many trolley cases will choose to use fake artificial leather to make leather suitcases, so we must learn the primary way to distinguish the authenticity of leather goods. If you want to identify the authenticity of leather goods, you must learn to use sensory judgment, in fact, if you want to learn to distinguish is also very simple, the first should be carried out through four aspects: touching by hand, seeing, twisting, stretching, and then according to the characteristics of various genuine leather itself to make specific judgments.
The fabric of the trolley box can be said to be an important contrast, a good trolley box, the fabric on it must have a good feel, color and style matching, wear-resistant, and the best with a certain waterproof function, so we need to have a certain understanding of the fabric of the trolley box.
First, natural leather: when kneading with the thumb, there will be a fine texture flash, and the appearance of leather with better leather will appear very full and elastic; Leather with poorer leather will have larger wrinkles; If the leather does not have a fine texture on the surface, it is not natural leather.
Second, goat skin: its markings are a wavy arrangement, thick and detailed, compared with sheep skin, more thick, firm, light.
Third, the yellow cow leather: the material pattern is detailed, and the pores appear an irregular dot-like placement.
Fourth, pig skin: the appearance of the markings is usually a group of three pores, the appearance is rough, soft or hard.
5. Buffalo leather: larger pores than cow leather, and the skin fiber is slightly thicker.
6. Sheepskin: The markings are placed in a half-moon-shaped way, with good softness, dense fur and thin skin.
Many customers who come to buy trolley cases have many misconceptions about trolley shaking. The following trolley box manufacturer Xiaobian will tell you why the trolley rod of the trolley box will shake! Tie rod shaking is scientific, tie rod is composed of multiple sections, elastic function, in order to ensure the smooth use of tie rod under the phenomenon of thermal expansion and contraction, it is necessary to have a certain gap between each tie rod.
If the suitcase receives resistance during the transportation process, the tie rod can save a certain gap to cushion the impact force, so that all the impact force will not hit the tie rod, shortening the service life of the tie rod! Larger boxes have fewer sections and smaller boxes have more sections. Usually 13-16 inch boxes to show 3-4 sections, 18, 20 inch boxes to show two sections, 22 inches or more boxes to show one section, the fewer sections, the lower the probability of damage to the tie rod, the lower the sense of shaking.